Re-Created Changing Pad


When little miss was born I fell in love with this adorably classy Pottery Barn Diaper Bag that came with matching changing pad. Now I am sure I just neglected to read directions but after a mishap with a full bottle in the diaper bag I decided to throw the changing pad in the washing machine. That my friends was my second mistake.  It turns out if you wash a changing pad all the soft fluffily stuff that makes the pad a pad will cling together due to what I can only assume is fear of the washing machine and create a lumpy piece of fabric that folds up and matches the adorable diaper bag. So the logical thing was to look on Pinterest to find a pattern to make a new one and that is when I decided that I could re-create the pad into a new and improved pad.



Materials you need:

1 ruined changing pad or an ugly one

A piece of outdoor or upolstary fabric that matches in size

sewing machine


First I used a sharp blade to cut along the seam on one side of the pad to pull out all of the clumped together stuffing.










Next I took the pad and placed the outside against the print part of my fabric and pined along the two pieces.






Next you want to sew the two pieces together. I used the current seam as my guild and carefully sewed along all but one side.



Then you trim along the three sides that you recently sewed together and then turn it inside out.


Fold the open end down onto each other and pin to keep a clean line.


I find it easiest to do the top-stitching at this point as well. That way you just follow the seam all the way around the pad.


The outside of the finished project still matches the adorable diaper bag and the middle is still water resistant because the silky fabric is still there and the inside of the pad is now a fun print. The very best part is that this recreated changing pad is completely washing machine safe!


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