Creating your own “Home is where the … sends us” Sign is super easy!
The other day I shared a “how to” on creating a map to honor all of the places you and your family have called home. After I hung the map on our wall I decided it needed something else…so what better than a sign to hang above it detailing the map stands for!
As I stated before- I keep every leftover piece from old projects-it might drive my husband batty but it saves us tons of money on supplies for projects later! When I started this project I still hadn’t managed to get carbon paper so I used my pencil rubbings on paper trick instead. This time I was slightly less successful because the piece of wood I chose for the sign was quite textured and my letters weren’t visible. So I had to write the letters myself. Stenciled letters would have been cleaner, but hand written ones added “charm”.
Materials Needed:
- Piece of flat wood cut to the size you want
- paint
- chalk paint markers (or any paint markers)
- antique wax
The first thing you are going to want to do is paint the piece of wood. I used the same chalk paint I used on the map project, so they would match.
Once the paint is dry it is best to lay out the words where you think they would look best. This allows you to play around with different ideas and placements. I did end up chaining my plan slightly once I started since I decided to freehand rather than stencil the sign.
First you want to focus on the logo in the center of your sign. This will help with the placement of your letters. I did use the makeshift carbon paper to attempt to make myself a stencil. It wasn’t very easy to see, but I could make out enough to replicate the image. If you aren’t confident in your freehand abilities I would recommend either sanding the wooden piece or find a textile with a smooth finish.
It’s not perfect-but I think imperfections is what makes it feel like home!
Next you can either stencil or freehand the words…
All you need to finish the sign to match the map-is to use the antique wax over the top!
It is the perfect addition to the map of past places we have called home!
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