5 Apps Perfect for Flying with a Toddler
Back in April my husband got picked up for some schooling out at Peterson AFB in Colorado, and we decided to make a family trip out of it. We travel often, and really try to take advantage of every opportunity we have to see new places. Since having our daughter a year and half ago we have driven to Florida, twice and took a cruise to Canada out of Boston. Each time choosing to drive to the destination out of convenience. Driving to Colorado would have been a little too much, so we decided to take our daughter on her first airplane ride, at 17 months old.
I was a little worried about what it would be like taking a four-hour flight with a squirmy toddler on my lap, but realized that she loves stealing our phones and tablet, so a whole bunch of new apps would be a great way to keep her busy when she would inevitably get board with whatever toys and books we would pack for her.
Of the bazillion apps I downloaded there were definitely 5 that were her favorites.
Disney Jr. App
Our daughter is all about Disney Jr. She love Sophia the First, Doc McStuffins, Handy Manny, The Lion Guard, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Okay, so she pretty much likes all of them. Her favorite things to watch on the app were any of the song videos. Our daughter just adores music. Especially any of The Lion Guard music, because every time she sees Kion she lets out a big ROAR.
This app was full of songs and activities. Even though only a few songs are part of the free version of this app, spending the money to have access to everything would be app-solutely (get it, app-solutely…I’m so punny) worth it.
Our daughter’s favorite song was about bananas, which just so happen to be her favorite food. And the puzzles, even though she was too young to actually do them.
Disney Movies App
Do you see a theme here…I promise this is the last Disney App I mention today. What I love about the Disney Movie app is that we could download her favorite movies, Tinker Bell and Mary Poppins to the tablet and she was able to watch them, even when we didn’t have wi-fi.
Now, since she is still so young we didn’t watch any move in its entirety, but they worked great to calm her down when we were reaching major meltdown levels.
I know this one may seem a little a little odd, but for whatever reason our daughter adores looking at herself. So by simply turning the camera around so she could see herself and turning on some of the silly filters she would giggle at what she saw. I didn’t get a picture on the plane but one of her favorites is the crazy cat lady filter.

Laugh & Learn Animal Sounds for Baby by Fisher Price
This app was by far one of her favorite, looking at the different animals and mimicking their sounds. It wasn’t the quietest app, but sometimes you have to choose what is better, having an app making noise or a toddler screaming at the top of her little but mighty lungs? I choose animal sounds every time.
Bonus App: If you are traveling on an airline that has its own app I highly recommend downloading it before you get to the airport. We were flying with United, and apparently it has been a while since we traveled via airplane, because now you can access their app in flight and use their wi-fi at no cost to watch movies and tv shows on your personal devices, which is actually really nice.
Hopefully, if things go as well for you as they did with us, the majority of your flight with your little one will look something like ours,