3 Simple Aspects of Military Life: Part 3

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It’s Simple, We Are Mobile

As you know from part one and two of this post that I was inspired by reading, “Military Life Made Me Question My Identity”, from militaryspouse.com (http://militaryspouse.com/military-life/military-life-made-me-question-my-identity/). In the previous post I discussed different ways I’ve have had to adapt to the military lifestyle. The final “surprisingly simple aspect of the military life,” stated in the article is, “We Are Mobile”.

I think “We Are Mobile” is a great way to describe the military spouse. If anyone ever needs some packing tips, a military spouse is an expert. Packing it is like a real life version of Tetris, and who doesn’t love a game of Tetris?!  Being mobile isn’t just about the ability to move, its also about being in the mindset to handle the stresses of moving on a regular basis. It is not easy to finally feel like you have moved into a home, only to find out it is time to make a new state (or country) home!

I think I have been pretty open to being mobile so far…

  • I left a job I loved to move while we were dating
  • My husband and I have driven 18hours to Florida with little planning, just so we can attend a football bowl game and drive home 36 hours later
  • Anytime my husband asks if I want to tag along for a TDY I do my best to be able to join him
  • When my husband came home from a long deployment and two weeks later got picked up for schooling in another state-with 2 days notice. I was happy to pull some strings, pack up and take our two dogs along for a 2 month adventure in a small hotel room. (It was fun at first, but by the end I think even our clingy dogs wanted some personal time)
  • I embraced a move at 7 1/2 months pregnant

Being this mobile can be frustrating and it can be hard to feel like an individual. At times I felt more like a groupie than a wife, following my husband wherever his career required him to go. I had to accept part of my identity is being there for my family, and that is my favorite part of being me!

The way I like to look at it-our life is an adventure and in order to get the most out of our situation is to embrace the craziness.

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